Another great day in the City and our family is together for the holidays complete with a new puppy!
Candace and I made another delivery at Judy's at the Rink yesterday in New Orleans and things went well, as in, they want to see us again. It's like a dating; you never want to hear, " thanks, this was fun but no more, fini!" So the good news is we will return again and still have a great customer.
And we are always looking for more stores in Hattiesburg, Jackson, Mobile, Fairhope, Destin, Watercolor, Rosemary's Beach and Aly's Beach too. Anywhere you can think of, please contact us with who you know.
Candace enjoying a much needed Libation and break at Lucy's Retired Surfers Bar, downtown NOLA after our deliveries.
November has been very good to us, with the Perter Anderson Fest and the additional orders too. But the big news is Amelia is home from SCAD for her very long break. This is so nice, we missed her something awful. And she can help potty train Beans, yes the puppy's new name in Beans, like Pork and Beans, which she has taken to calling our old and fat dog who used to go by Pepper. Nobody knows their names now. Pepper and Scout look like they are feeling dejected with the new names. That brings the total count to; 2 dogs, 1 cat and a bird, for now.
The orders are still coming in for Christmas and we are looking to really grow the Bienville Oyster grilling shells into a bigger and better business, with interest in an overseas or down south manufacturer. Thank goodness for friends and family, with them almost nothing would be possible, and the networking helps too. And thank you to Reel Custom T-Shirts in Ocean Springs, they print the logos on the Bienville bags.
And please call with your special orders. Candace is in the middle of painting a few of her famous 6' giant wooden alligators, she'll have two available soon.
Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I wish all of you well, enjoy your family and friends, its the best part of life. And if you think about it.......grill some oysters too. Bon Appetit